Is it possible to cure varicose veins on the legs without surgery?

How to remove veins on legs without surgery if they are enlarged with varicose veins? Many people want to get rid of ugly varicose veins on the legs, which are not only ugly but also dangerous to health. But can you do without surgery or is there no other way?

How does the disease develop?

how to treat varicose veins in the legs

Is it possible to cure varicose veins without surgery? To answer this question, it is necessary to consider what happens to the vein during the development of the disease.

The pathology develops in several stages:

  • venous valves weaken, cease to interfere with blood flow;
  • valve insufficiency gradually increases and the vessel begins to stretch to receive a large amount of returned fluid;
  • as the venous wall dilates, more and more blood is retained in the deformed part of the vessel and congestion occurs, which worsens the blood flow rate;
  • in the future, the process spreads to nearby parts of the vessel and causes malnutrition of nearby tissues.

But is vein removal always necessary? Are there ways to get rid of varicose veins without surgery?

When is conservative treatment possible?

In the early stages of disease development, leg vein removal surgery is not performed; to restore the full function of the venous valve, it is sufficient to restore the tone of the vessel.

But conservative therapy should be comprehensive and include:

  • change in the patient's lifestyle;
  • power correction;
  • compression effect;
  • medication intake.

Lifestyle change

Insufficient physical activity or, conversely, excessive physical exertion, insufficient rest and bad habits: all this causes a violation of blood circulation in the leg.

Lifestyle changes help restore vascular tone. To do this you need:

  1. Ensure dosed physical activity. Walking, swimming, yoga or fitness without strength training are great ways to increase vascular tone and narrow the lumen of the vein. And if the gap is reduced, then the valve will completely stick to the vessel wall, preventing backfilling. In the very early stages of development, sports exercises are one of the main methods to cure varicose veins without surgery.
  2. Organize your work and rest schedule. If it is not possible to avoid being for a long time while working on your legs, then during rest you should sit with your legs slightly upwards, and during work do not stand still, but cross your legs, causing muscle sheets to contract. Regular muscle contraction will increase vascular tone.
  3. Stop smoking and drink only small amounts of alcohol. If the sick person continues to smoke and drink, he will soon have to undergo phlebectomy.

Child correction

When varicose veins are treated without surgery, what a person eats plays an important role.

Exclude from menu:

  • hot spices;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • pastries.

You must limit the amount of candy. It is better to replace sweets or cakes with homemade jam, honey and dried fruit.

dietary correction in varicose veins

The menu must contain a large amount of seafood:

  • squid;
  • mussels;
  • algae;
  • shrimp.

Seafood contains copper, which has a tonic effect on venous tone.

In addition to the above products, it is recommended to eat more plant foods and drink natural juices and fruit drinks. It is allowed to eat food and lean meat.

Compression action

This is changing and wearing elastic underwear (socks, leggings). Elastic underwear is worn lying down, and does not get out of bed in the morning, and is removed before going to bed in the evening, the same applies to changing. Compression therapy helps prevent further stretching of the venous wall and reduces the negative consequences of the disease.

Compression underwear is also recommended to be worn in the postoperative period, which will help to shorten the rehabilitation and ensure the rapid establishment of a complete supply of limbs in the blood.

But compression therapy does not serve as an independent method to help avoid leg vein surgery. It only helps to prevent the negative consequences associated with the development of venous blood flow damage.


Patients are prescribed medications to increase venous tone.

Venotonics can be prescribed in tablets, ointments or injections, but their dose is selected individually, depending on the severity of the pathology.

In addition, symptomatic treatment is performed. For example, with a tendency to thrombosis, blood thinners are prescribed, and in phlebitis - anti-inflammatory drugs.

But all treatment should be comprehensive. If the patient thinks about how to remove the veins on the legs without surgery, but at the same time does not stop smoking and eating spicy foods, then he will be disappointed - it is impossible. Without a change in lifestyle and diet, he will soon need vein surgery on his leg.

If you can't do without surgery

varicose vein treatment procedures

If conservative therapy has been unsuccessful, and the patient often has pain and cramps in the legs, often develops trophic ulcers or phlebitis, then surgery must be performed to reduce the consequences of the disease.

But vein surgery can also be performed with minimally invasive treatment methods:

  • laser correction:
  • sclerosing effect;
  • laser ablation;
  • radiofrequency ablation;
  • ligation;
  • minor phlebectomy.

Laser Correction

It is performed in the initial phase of the disease, when only small vessels are deformed and spider veins appear on the skin. Percutaneous exposure to the laser pulse contributes to the collapse of the walls of small crowns and the closure of the lumen. But only the initial stages of the disease can be cured by laser correction. A few sessions are enough for that. Rehabilitation after laser surgery is not necessary.

Sclerosing effect

Sclerosant, a special solution that causes loss of elasticity of the vascular wall, is injected into the lumen of a deformed vein and cannot perform its function. This method can be used for both large and small vessels. But with a large vein lesion, although blood circulation in the limbs will improve, the cosmetic deficiency can last.

Laser Removal

A sterile catheter is inserted into the dilated part of the vein and an electrode is inserted through it. The laser action is performed on the inner surface of the vessel, causing its walls to collapse and the lumen to close completely. Blood flow begins to take place through smaller vessels, and the vein exposed to laser radiation gradually thins and disappears.

The postoperative period with such an intervention can last up to one day, but complete removal of cosmetic defects will occur only after a few months.

Radiofrequency ablation

The method is similar to laser, but uses radiofrequency radiation. Radiofrequency ablation is performed on large large vessels and is approximately the length of radiation exposure: from the groin to the knee or from the knee to the foot. The therapeutic effect is achieved in 2-3 sessions, but the complete disappearance of the deformed vein will occur in a few weeks.


Imposing a ligature (bend) on either side at the site of a large vessel allows it to be excluded from the circulatory system that will begin to bypass the smaller veins. The places where the ligatures overlap fall off and grow firmly. Ligation is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia: small incisions are made in the skin and veins are ligated. Ligation is considered a good method to deal with varicose veins when there are already negative consequences associated with impaired blood flow. "Excluding" a pathologically deformed venous site from the circulation helps reduce pain and edema.

Small phlebectomy

This operation is also performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. The difference from ligation is that after ligation, the altered venous parts are excised and removed with small incisions in the skin. Compared to surgical phlebectomy (in which the vein is completely removed), such a mini-operation is considered less traumatic and requires almost no rehabilitation.

Although minimally invasive treatment methods are considered surgical intervention due to mechanical impact on blood vessels, after leg vein surgery using the above methods, the negative consequences of the intervention for the patient are minimal and rehabilitation after surgery takes place in a short time.

Extended leg extensions can be removed without surgery, but the success of treatment depends not only on the method chosen, but also on how willing the patient is to follow medical recommendations.